In the seeming Chaos of any Beginning lies the Order of its Evolution and the secret of its Completion.
And I introduce myself and my story on the same day I have just written the last chapter and as I reread the many pages I marvel at the order in which revelations come, not my or your idea of order, but the Universe's.
This is a linear compilation of non linear experiences, an apparent dichotomy, for language is such a linear tool, however the chapters can be read in any order you wish without affecting the final outcome, this is a QUANTUM STORY, the story is designed to be a catalyst for an expansion, how it shall be revealed for the individual is for YOU to recognize.
I ask that you judge not one chapter worthy of your attention more than another or to have no correlation to the next or the previous one, all are important links to the final revelation. It is not the order in which you feel to read them but that you read them all that matters, for in some the Mind shall be prominent, in others the Heart, and in others still both shall be equally present.
My story is ANYONE'S STORY, perhaps not in the way YOU have experienced it but the energy behind its origination is the same. It is a story stemming from a long ago Heart break and the steps to reclaim one's Heart's fullness. It is a story of loss through which a gift greater than the loss was gained.
And so with this chapter I begin, as the first part of my journey ends on this day 4/28/2011, a 9 day, a good day to bring it all into a whole.
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