Saturday, March 12, 2011


A few years ago someone said to me : " You are a teacher of teachers" and this wording never felt acceptable. I Am not a teacher, I Am a catalyst for Remembrance. We are not in need of teachers, simply Remembrance.

As such my "job" is to bring up different, I shall even say new ways to look at things, people, the world. And people may or may not accept the message I bring.  It will ask you to let go of well established spiritual beliefs.

It shall be not an easy journey this one I have chosen for there will be much resistance to the New Way especially from those who have been respected teachers and long held in honor by others. My message is going to ask them to step beyond their comfort zone, and its purpose is not to dishonor them by asking them to let go of previously held beliefs, but to honor them by the expectation that they SHALL step beyond the previous "teachings." that have supported them and have proven themselves to be extremely valuable and helpful, but allow me to remind all that what was valid in the old world no longer is in the new. We are stepping in to a New Earth, with NEW WAYS.

My purpose is not to step on any one's toes but to remind you have no toes to step on in the first place.

I Am a "major door opener" for people. If anyone wonders if they are supposed to connect with me, the answer is simple if you are reading this or listening to me then YOU ARE. Yes, you signed up to move beyond your comfort zone, and to be honest I realize that this places me in a zone beyond my own comfort as well...don't we all love to have people agree with us!  But then we wouldn't we simply be settling for complacency and where would the expansion be?

Today I received a newsletter that contained a quote from the legendary philosopher John Locke that said : "New opinions are always suspected and usually opposed without any other reason but because they are not already common."

As Angelic Humans, our mission is to change the reference point of Humanity. Our reference point was the old teachings and our perception of them. Our visions and meditations were based on the level of understanding of our consciousness. Guides or Angels are simply a reflection of separation beliefs, they are but You coming to you in a form that fits your level of understanding, or acceptance. There is no one else to go to for information, for resolution but YOUR  DIVINE SELF ONE WITH YOU.

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