The end of a day is nearing, another magical day, a 4-4-4 day.
Unable to sleep as sentences filled my mind and my heart, I completed the chapter of "our Story" its end but the opening for a new beginning.
I went in search of my Identity and I uncovered my Divinity, I went in search of my Divinity and I uncovered my Humanity as I went in search of my Humanity, I uncovered my Identity
So "I" begin again.
In this last week, the number 55 has been coming incessantly at me from all directions, and I know that this is Him "winking" at me. As if I needed confirmation, his cousin has even sent me an email having to do with 55 years ago and the year 1955. An ancient One who is a guardian of Secrets of Mother Earth has been drawn into my circle of friends lately, he is 55, born in 1955 AND on the very day I first met Dan. I KNOW He is coming back into my life.
And as I look back upon the linear past of my journey, so I look into the face of my future and I shall always remember the first time I saw Him, but a reflection of me. He stood tall, dark and handsome just as I dreamed Him into Being. He looked at me and I looked at him and we were Two as we were One.
He has not yet walked into my life, but I expect him to any day now as He already is within me as I am already within him.
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